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Basic life support - Babies, Children and Adults with a tracheostomy or stoma
Tracheostomy BLS training inline with Na
Basic life support of babies and children with a tracheostomy Sussex First Aid Courses

This course focuses on the emergency care of Basic Life Support and covers the challenging area of tracheostomy and stoma resuscitation. It provides learners with the opportunity to develop the basic skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of emergency paediatric first aid situations which could arise when looking after children with a tracheostomy or stoma. 

The course program is based on the best practice guidelines from the UK Resuscitation guidelines, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, the National Tracheostomy Safety Project and The UK First Aid training guidelines.


This course is ideal for anyone who cares for infants and children, such as: parents, guardians, grandparents or those who have a professional involvement with infants and children and want to learn key paediatric first aid skills for those with a tracheotomy or stoma, often known as neck breathers. This course looks to expand on the limit knowledge offered on a basic first aid course. 


Please note:

Learners attending the course would have normally received or will be receiving tracheostomy familiarise training and care and management of a tracheostomy from their community services. This course will concentrate on basic life support and management of tracheostomy/stoma CPR.

Course programme:

During this 2- 3 hour course, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of paediatric and child Basic Life Support first aid situations and management of tracheostomy/stoma CPR

Programme includes:

  • Spotting the sick child

  • Primary assessment

  • Child/baby BLS/CPR

  • Airway obstruction/choking 

  • Complications with BLS

  • BLS - babies and children with a tracheostomy/stoma

  • Awareness of attachments and ways to ventilate 

  • Awareness of BVM, igels, pocket mask, face shields 

  • AED training




Certificates of attendance. CPD


The course program is based on the best practice guidelines from the UK Resuscitation guidelines, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children guidelines,  the National Tracheostomy Safety Project The UK First Aid Training guidelines.



Course Fees:.

Please contact us for costing and a bespoke course to meet your needs.

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