Administering Buccal Midazolam During a Seizure

Administering Buccal Midazolam During a Seizure
Course Programme:
A practical face-to-face workshop teaching how to manage and treat a seizure with rescue medicines such as buccal midazolam. Learners have their competence individually assessed by an experienced Paramedic, pharmacists or nurse. Theory is studied using video, case studies, discussion and a comprehensive workbook provided on the day.
2-3 hour workshop
Aimed at:
Staff in all health and social care settings, transport staff and schools.
Delivers the learning outcomes specified by the Joint Epilepsy Council of the UK and Ireland
Learning Outcomes:
What causes seizures
Different types of seizure
Individual healthcare plans for epilepsy
What are auras
Risks from seizures
Risk assessing for people with epilepsy
The psychological, social, and effects on learning epilepsy can have
Learning disabilities and epilepsy
Seizure triggers
Photosensitive epilepsy
Exercise and physical activity in epilepsy
Treating epilepsy
Emergency medication for epilepsy
Storing emergency medication for epilepsy
How is rescue medication given
Side effects of rescue medication
How quickly does rescue medication take to work?
Post seizure management
What to do if the seizure still doesn’t stop
When to call an ambulance
When the seizure ends – record keeping
Practical workshop:
Understand types of seizure
Individual care plans and seizure record diaries
Demonstrate how to provide first aid during a seizure
Demonstrate how to prepare the correct dosage of Epistatus
Demonstrate when to give midazolam
Demonstrate how to administer midazolam (Buccolam and Epistatus) to an individual
Explain what vitals to check after giving midazolam and what side effects to look for
Demonstrate how to place an individual in the recovery position (if required)
Demonstrate how to monitor for side effects after administering midazolam
Demonstrate how to record the administration of midazolam
We assess knowledge with an assessment on the day. We will assess your individual competency to administer buccal midazolam on the face to face workshop.
£475 (max 12 people).
